Since you don't mention whether it's your personal levies or your vassal's levies. Hope this helps and good luck! Sorry about any confusion! Multiply by the number of levy (NL) in the holding and you get the actual troops (AT) >you can raise: Now when you apply P to the maximum levy set by law (MXL) you get the percentage of >troops (PT) you get from the holding:

Relation is transformed into >percentage value (P) according to the following formula: You always get the min levy set by crown authority but the actual amount up to the >maximum is determined by vassal-liege relation (VLR). Crown Authority sets the minimum levy you get and Levy Laws set the maximum:Ĭrown Authority → 0 min /10% min /20% min /30% min /40% minįeudal Levy Law → 60% max / 70% max / 80% max / 100% max (225)Ĭity Levy Law → 50% max / 65% max / 80% max / 95% max (115)Ĭhurch Levy Law → 50% max / 60%max / 70% max / 80% max (130) Relation with your vassal and Levy Laws determine how much of the vassal levy you can raise. The following is what I was talking about with the V-L Relation Since castles give the most and best types of troops you want to have castles in your demesne unless you don't want to use only mercenaries and vassal levy. You raise 100% of the Levy in your own holdings. especially note that if the castle isn't in your personal demesne you'll take a hit. Churches give 130 base Levy (45 HI, 45LI, 40A).

Castles give 225 base Levy (150 HI, 60 LI, 15 LC).If you lose any of the following, you'll see a bad drop: I came across a pretty decent description of the levy system. This shouldn't affect your levy though, except as it may indirectly affect your relationship with your vassals. You need to give your first son some lands (but not the 2nd or 3rd as it'll increase a chance of war on inheritance). If you don't give your sons any land then you can end up with the "unlanded sons prestige penalty". I originally said (in comments) that I thought this was related to titles, and it's not quite right. The levy system is actually kinda complex but once you have a feel for it I suspect it'll make sense. It could also be that your levy base providing buildings are not in your heir's personal demense. I think the reason your levy decreased is due to your heir's vassal-leige relationship score being different than your original king's.